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At Sarah Urban, we believe in using our platform to create positive change within our community.

That’s why we are thrilled to share our partnership with Safe Steps – an incredible organisation dedicated to providing crucial support to those facing domestic violence situations.

Safe Steps is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals and families affected by many different types of abuse through their comprehensive range of services, including a 24/7 crisis response service, emergency accommodation, counselling, and ongoing support.

Phone: 1800 015 188
Chat: (M-F 9am-midnight)

Although it affects people of all genders, races and socioeconomic backgrounds, women are disproportionately impacted by these forms of abuse.

In 2022 in Australia, an average of 13 women a day were hospitalised due to family and domestic violence. Their unwavering commitment to helping women rebuild their lives resonates deeply with our core value of nurturing the relationships with our community, which is why supporting Safe Steps is embedded in Sarah Urban.


Our partnership began in 2022 with MDXO - the Ultimate Mother’s Day Out event. In 2024, we officially renewed our partnership with Safe Steps in the lead up to International Women’s Day. If a customer purchases one of the gift boxes listed below, we will donate 10% of the price of the gift box to Safe Steps.

Help us support Safe Steps

We have created the 'Life's Little Essentials' Gift Box, full of items to help someone feel pampered and supported. This gift box can be purchased as a donation to Safe Steps, and we will match your order and send them two boxes, which will be distributed by Safe Steps to an individual in their crisis accomodation centres.

If you order the 'Life's Little Essentials' Gift box as a standard gift box purchase, 10% of the purchase amount will be donated to Safe Steps.

For every Cleanse Your Space, French Pear, Ultimate Relaxtion, Calm Nights, Olive Bathroom or Bliss Gift Box sold, we will donate 10% off the gift box purchase amount to Safe Steps too. 

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Safe Steps 2023 Statistics

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The Sarah Urban team had an amazing time celebrating this past Mother's Day with MDXO – The Ultimate Mother’s Day Out- Supporting Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre and donating a percentage of our sales at the event to Safe Steps

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